Take control of your Medical Data

Thovs is a patient-centric data control platform that puts you at the helm of your healthcare journey. Secure, transparent, and easy to use, our platform empowers you to manage your medical records, share information with healthcare providers, and make informed decisions about your care.

What is Thovs?

Thovs is a revolutionary platform that transforms the way patients interact with their medical data.

Secure Data Storage

Your records are protected by robust encryption and access controls.

Transparent access control

Track and manage access to your data with ease.

Seamless Sharing

Share your records with healthcare providers quickly and securely.

Data integrity

Ensure the accuracy and consistency of your medical records.

Join our team and build the future of healthcare.

Thovs is in the early stage and we need people like you to help democratize healthcare data and give it to who it belongs. The People.