On things on my mind lately (Part 1)

This is more like a letter to myself than a write-up. These are the personal ones running in my mind lately. Things from the past and present I want to put down for future reference.

To those who dare to try, make your thoughts clear and write the little things down, does it help? Maybe, but you get to talk to yourself with your mouth closed. Maybe it is all in the head but let’s feed the eyes too sometimes. It doesn’t need to make sense to everyone but it does to you. Shoutout to everyone who takes a moment to jot out their mind or take a moment to read their own opinion. A little nudge to those who do, take a moment and speak to yourself more. A song, more like wordings, I also resonate with from a friend “What if” by Alaka. You can watch it here. Maybe when speaking to yourself, you may also speak to others.

On Family
One thing you cannot choose is family. You can pick your friends carefully, the place you live, even the accent you speak among other things that may seem to be inherent but you cannot pick who your family are. So some people are lucky to have a good one to be proud of and stand by. I got mine and I am proud of them. So adding this section as a thank you to them.

On Friends and People
Recently last week, one of my friends created a group chat and added us to it. No one seemed to agree with the group chat name so I renamed it to “Just five people” which we all later stuck with. These people are the four people I spent all my time with last year together in the room 80% of the time and fast forward to this year, everyone is miles apart plotting how to live a life after school. It is fun watching everyone go out and chase a dream. Wishing every one of us the best we can take away from life. Shoutout to Victor, Owen, Israel and Meshach. We’ve all had friends throughout our lives at each point in time. Maybe 20 children cannot play for 20 years but enjoying each moment in time is what all counts.

Another friend of mine, David, who was my roommate’s first year in the university and my third & fourth years ( I studied a 5-year course btw), made me believe in scenius, where creativity flows from one person to another. In this I guess, a man is built in secret and legions are built as a group. It is easy to form a flow of knowledge when the other party is aligned. I hope he goes on and builds an amazing thing someday.

On people, you never really know when you will need someone, be nice to everyone and make friends along the way if possible. As much as life is a solo game, It entangles more with others’ timelines than you think. Knowing the right people and connections makes life easier. You don’t need to be the smartest all the time, you just need to know someone who does then. Maybe we should all be nice and say thank you more. Sometimes, all it takes is to know a friend that knows a friend. Shoutout to Israel here.

Talking about people, there is also a guy I know in my early days, most people like him but I do find him annoying. I never know him up close but I do watch him sometimes. I get to spend some time with him during COVID-19 and I must say you never really know someone till you spend some time with them. He is as smart as he was placed to be and it covers up the parts I find annoying. I guess this makes me say you should try to know people more, it is fun to watch.

On Relationship
I have had a girlfriend for close to two years now and something I will say is, it is beautiful to watch happiness through the eyes of someone you love. I think a relationship gives you this. Last week was Valentine so I am sure a lot of people got gifts, wishes and everything in between from their partners. Maybe, Maybe not, doesn’t matter. I got mine a flower as a present, but I never got the pleasure of delivering them myself. I’m not interested in flowers or want to keep one myself but she does. I may be wrong but I think she would rather watch a new flower blossom than a moon landing (lol, I never ask her that) but it is all fun to watch. Talking of happiness, it is beautiful to watch them smile and all happy for the little things. Happiness is infectious, that’s what I will say. So do and celebrate the little things together with people you love. Their happiness may end up being yours. Recently she asked “I know you think logically and I am sure you have thought about what if it doesn’t work out? Have you ever thought about it” I never do and I guess there are things we don’t make plan B for. The downside is low and the upsides are unending

On Life
If you are one in a million, there are 15 of you in Lagos and 8000 of you in the world. You are not that special. Maybe we are all unique in our ways, maybe. I don’t think this is a bad thing or a good one but this should help guide in the way we place ourselves. You could have been anyone, a healthy man in Japan, A divorced wife in Portugal, a blind trader in Togo, A lawyer in Mexico. The odds are many but you are where you are now and that’s all that matters. Do things, cherish the moments and anything life throws at you in between.

I have a personal philosophy, time and space. Given enough time, everything resets itself. Pain fades, wound heals, heart mends, just anything resets with time and if you can’t get it right, give it space. With both, you will get most things right.

Life is about risks. Not a fan of one and I rarely take one. I am a fan of small bets than big ones. As much as there are more upsides to big bets than small ones, there are as many downsides too so why take a risk you cannot control? As much as it is easy to gamble, don’t gamble on things you cannot afford to rebuild. If you’re not sure of a big bet, make small ones, they will accumulate. Not to be a fan of mediocrity, but before you sail down a sea, captain a boat. Also for anyone interested in safe bets (p.s no bets are safe, just the odds are more favourable), be mediocre. You may win nothing, but you also don’t lose. Just on the fence but remember, if not now, when?

Chaos, Causality and Control. All are independent of each other and so much intertwined. One of the things I try not to think about. Maybe I will take a look at them one of these days.

Till then, let us keep the hope alive. and lol, it is the hope that kills but hey must kill a man. So for the most part, try to be optimistic.

Life is good.

A question I saw from a person on the internet is, How old are you if your days are counted as days you are happy? Maybe you can answer it for yourself.